As above so below, as within so without

There is more interest in Witchcraft today than ever before, with a growing number of individuals identifying themselves as following a pagan or “craft” path. Many are drawn to these spiritual traditions because they are more inclusive, touching on feminism, environmentalism, and acceptance instead of the suffocation found in most strict, mainstream religions. In addition, when you add all the hypocrisy and scandal found in the mainstream, people seem to crave a more personal, direct relationship with their spirituality.
Witchcraft is a nature-based practice. Earth, water, sky, animals, plants, people are all considered an expression of life, of the Divine. Many people struggle with the idea of a God in heaven judging the lives of humans by a set of ten laws given to an earthly proxy; if you live by the laws, you enter Paradise; but if you don’t, you are eternally damned. In Witchcraft, there are no laws. Instead, divinity is in all things.
Witchcraft is primarily a lunar path. Today, the craft is predominantly dual, although some traditions strictly follow feminine aspects. The focus is the Great Goddess or Witch Queen, the creator of life embodied by our planet Earth. Many pre-Christian writings mention the Goddess and her worship; she is the Moon, the sea, and the night. She has three aspects: Maiden, Mother, Crone, representing the three phases of life and corresponding with the changes in the Moon and the seasons. Her energy is vast and sometimes portrayed as loving and life-giving, but she can also be vengeful when desired.
The male aspect arrives later in the writings and is related to nature and the woodlands. The Good Father or Witch King is the Sun, sky, plant, and animal life. Antlered and sometimes called the Horned God (which allowed the Christian era to present him as a horned devil figure), the God has two aspects: the Lord of Light and Lord of Darkness. He is a warrior and protector. He is the life-giver in the fertile months of the year and the life taker in the colder, darker months. He can reveal secrets and knowledge or leave you in the dark until you face yourself.
Together they rule as “the Two Who Move as One” or God/dess.
The most crucial aspect of Witchcraft is the sovereignty of the Witch. While authors, teachers, practitioners can help you along your path, ultimately, this is your own personal, individual relationship with the Divine. You have the last word on what is correct for you, along with the responsibility of living with your decisions. You will change and adapt as you learn new information. Not all of the knowledge will be useful to all, but you choose what to include and dismiss for yourself. This blog is my "crooked path" journey based on a Neopagan, Hermetic, Elemental design.
Witchcraft is not for everyone. It comes to you if it recognizes and acknowledges you. You either are a Witch, or you are not. Knowing you are a Witch is a matter of inner discovery. Witchcraft can be in your blood without being in your bloodline. It is a difficult path requiring dedication and discipline. You will need to put aside your doubts and fears and maneuver the twists and turns along your way. You will need to “live.” The rewards, however, are many. A Witch’s path leads to knowledge, self-discovery, wisdom, and power.
Nothing is forbidden.
Blessed Be!


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